Hi, I’m Andrea Wightwick and I’m glad you’re here!

I started my career answering the phone at a receptionist desk in corporate America and climbed the ladder to CEO of my own company after helping build multiple billion-dollar brands in the consumer packaged goods (CPG) space.

I learned a lot along the way that led me to great success, professionally and personally. As I climbed, I left my ladder down for others to climb with me. And now it’s your time to climb, too. Come see how we can work smarter, not harder, to have a life worth living.

From the Front Lobby to the Corner Office.

What started as a contracted position (temp work) to work a reception desk for a Fortune 500 company ultimately led me to a place where my team and I were advising over 200 clients and brands in the CPG space on a total of $10B marketing spend.


A question I am often asked. After years of mentoring in my field, I am openly sharing these secrets and tips with you. Together, we’ll discuss investment strategies, ideas on earning additional revenue streams while filing a W2 (we can even discuss what a W2 is!), how to advocate for yourself anywhere, be it the office for a promotion or the group text that can’t decide where to go on vacation, and so much more.

Over the last 25 years, I observed firsthand as the Boomers welcomed the Millennials (and both overlooking the hardworking GenXers) and helped be the rare Xillennial translator between the crowds. I learned a lot about how to work with people, not just for people, to ultimately benefit my personal and professional growth. Now I’m sharing it with you so you can have the same. And we’ll even discuss how to welcome the GenZ crowd into the fold!

In an ever-changing world for working women and mothers, there are many human truths that remain unchanged. We can work with them or against them to modernize our way of living for ultimate success. I chose to ride the current.

What do you choose?



A litte more about me

After leaving home in search of a better life, I was content to live a life married to my work with maybe a fish at home for companionship.

Thankfully, I met someone who helped me find the errors in my grand plan. 20-something years later, we are married with two children in Atlanta.

I originally hail from New Orleans but call Atlanta home. A lifetime resident of the South, I hope to be. However, you can also find me enjoying the American West and NYC. I am as comfortable at a 5-star spa as I am at a 30A dive bar.

I am forever obsessed with consumer products and helping people shop smarter. I am either your dream friend or nightmare in the grocery store with the knowledge I have acquired.

Mom spinning son around in atlanta georgia piedmont park
Mother and Daughter twirling in Atlanta Georgia Piedmont Park

Want Andrea to speak at your next event?

Andrea is passionate about discussing tactical ways to be a Modern Parent in an outdated societal structure, real and helpful experience in balancing integrating work and life, and how to leverage where you are to get what you want.

By sheer happenstance, Andrea was ahead of many of today’s trends.

She was building and managing a remote team back in 2010. She started working from home full-time in 2014 in corporate America. When her children were born (2011 and 2013), she negotiated for more than the standard FMLA leave from her company. And, in 2018, she even negotiated several weeks of working remotely from Colorado (not Atlanta) with her company (unheard of pre-pandemic!) to spend summers in the Rockies. While negotiating for what she wanted, she remained a top performer and trusted advisor to her clients for 15 years.

She is sharing how she inspired and motivated teams remotely, charged her team with using their resources wisely to get what they needed, and inspired them to work smart so they could play more.

Fun fact: She is actively obsessed with her calendar and believes it is the true secret sauce to getting it all done.