Astrophysics for People in a Hurry by Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Star Rating: ★★★★

If you know Neil DeGrasse Tyson's voice, you'll know that an audiobook was naturally my first choice of medium. I have heard his lectures in person many times, enjoyed his shows at the Hayden Planetarium at the Museum of Natural History, and even enjoyed the occasional talk show appearance he does. He has a great voice and a great way of explaining incredibly complex scientific data in a way that is digestible.

This is a very fast read/listen intentionally (hence the title). I really enjoyed the part where he discusses how the Periodic Table came to be. But my favorite section is the final section, where he discusses the perspective that the cosmos provides. How easily all of my problems fall away when I think about the perspective from the cosmos. It's hard to carry that perspective every waking moment, but it's a beautiful way to try and live.

"The cosmic perspective reminds us that in space, where there is no air, a flag will not wave -- an indiction that perhaps flag waving and space exploration do not mix." - Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Format read: Audiobook

Available at: Amazon and Bookshop


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