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Fostering the love of reading, here are several reviews from myself.

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Good Inside by Dr. Becky Kennedy

Star Rating: ★★★★

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Good Inside needs to come with a caveat - if your child(ren) are under 7, this is the perfect book for you. As I sit here with a nearly 10 and 12 year old, I felt much of this book was tips for a time gone by and had a hard time trying to understand how to translate the tips provided into this season of parenting. But, if you are a new parent or have young children, this is a great book to help reframe your parenting to be more conversational and less "because I said so". We took a positive parenting workshop course a decade ago and this book is very reminiscent of those topics.



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The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks

Star Rating: ★★★

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This is a widely recommended book, which is how it found its way into my ears. I equate this book to a healthy dinner when you're craving pizza. You know what is right. You know you need the healthy dinner. But, you just want to ignore the hard work and give it to gluttony. That is this book for me. I deal with limiting beliefs a lot. So, this was a hard listen. I also will say that the audiobook should not be read by the author in this case. I would recommend actually reading the book and taking notes in it, but also consider this a workbook where you pick it up and work a little at a time on yourself. All at once and it is hard to digest.



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Clutterfree with Kids by Joshua Becker

Star Rating: ★★

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This is a miss on my part as I was hoping for a book about learning how to influence "the clutterers" to be "clutterfree". This book is not that. This book is written for those who identify they need help in this arena. If you already prioritize a "less is more", "experience gifts over tangible gifts", and "more stuff = more time needed to handle stuff" way of life, then this book is just clutter to you. However, I fully support and recognize many people want help in this area. And, for those people, this is a great handbook to help you rethink your habits.



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How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

Star Rating: ★★★

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Despite this being THE book for adults, I had not read it. But, after hearing the author changed the spelling of his name to be associated with the Carnegie family, the author did not feel like someone I shoudl take advice from. However, I listened. It is outdated. It would be interesting to have it rewritten for the modern age (i.e. there is a part about how to leave a proper message with a secretary). Overall, the audiobook was fine and a quick read and a good reminder of the ABCs -- Always Be Complimentary



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