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Fostering the love of reading, here are several reviews from myself.

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The Coddling of the American Mind by Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt

Star Rating: ★★★★★

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I read this in 2019 and it is still the book I tell everyone is a "must-read".

After seeing many dramatic changes in students on college campuses, the writers conducted a comprehensive analysis to answer "How did we get here?" What was uncovered are three Great Untruths that modern parenting since the 1980s has led to, which has ultimately come to a head as iGen arrived on college campuses.

This book is not a parenting book. It is for anyone who interacts with this latest generation as it is one that our society has never seen. It is a generation of Safe Spaces, Trigger Warnings, Callout Culture, and Vindictive Protectiveness. The book's title immediately drew me in. I'll share that, as a people manager, at times I felt like the word "coddling" was appropriate.

This book finally gave me data behind everything I have observed and experienced in the last 20 years in the workplace as younger people entered the office behind me. I have peace of mine with so many experiences now and have a perspective for why this youngest generation is how it is as well as how to parent in support of better ways to grow adults.



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Parenting, Nonfiction Andrea W Parenting, Nonfiction Andrea W

How to Raise Successful People by Esther Wojcicki

Star Rating: ★★★★

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The title really turned me off. This is written by the mother of two CEOs and 1 Doctor. So, is that our level for the definition of "successful people"?

But, I read the Time article first. And I realized I literally judged a book by its cover. Don't judge the book by the choice word "successful". Give it a shot. The idea of implementing the T.R.I.C.K. method is worth trying if you're a parent.

"No one has ever changed the world by doing what the world has told them to do."
- Eddy Zhong, CEO Leangap

"The people who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world are the ones who do."
- Steve Jobs, Co-Founder Apple



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Wild Things by Stephen James and David Thomas

Star Rating: ★★★★

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This is an older book that I discovered while reading the REI Blog.

It took me awhile to accept the idea of reading a book "just" about boys. I didn't understand the idea of a boys book vs. a parenting book. I read this initially when Buddy was 5 and I am SO glad I read it before puberty. WOW--I didn't know what I didn't know and I am glad to have insight to what is coming down the pike. There is so much good tween and teen stuff in here!

The end of the book has a chapter for mother and son and another chapter for father and son. I debated reading only the applicable chapter. But, I am happy that I read the father/son chapter. It gave me a little insight into the relationship they may have as well as insight into men in general. :)



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Where The Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens

Star Rating: ★★★★

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It is not often that the physical book and the Libby audiobook become available at the same time. But, the stars aligned for this one right as I headed to Hilton Head, SC. Reading this while in the lowcountry was amazing. The book describes the scenery perfectly. The narrator wasn't my favorite but I did enjoy reading "along" with her in the book. I also felt that, while the story was overall amazing, the author could do a better job with specifics as she jumps to different points in time.



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