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Nonfiction, Memoir Andrea W Nonfiction, Memoir Andrea W

Spare by Prince Harry

Star Rating: ★★

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I don't know if there is any other way to read Spare other than to have Prince Harry narrate it for you. It was the only palatable thing about the story, frankly. While I wasn't looking for a dirty, behind-the-scenes tell all, I also wasn't looking for what seems to be a continious paradox he faces - endlessly drawing attention to himself while condemning the fame he has. I admire how frank he is in his memoir, especially given how private The Royal Family is. But, the whole time I listened, I wondered if he maybe should have continued self-improvement and therapy before finalizing this memoir. I suspect in due time he will regret sharing many of these stories and I also question if the motive for sharing now in haste is due to the aforementioned paradox he seems to find himself in.



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Clutterfree with Kids by Joshua Becker

Star Rating: ★★

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This is a miss on my part as I was hoping for a book about learning how to influence "the clutterers" to be "clutterfree". This book is not that. This book is written for those who identify they need help in this arena. If you already prioritize a "less is more", "experience gifts over tangible gifts", and "more stuff = more time needed to handle stuff" way of life, then this book is just clutter to you. However, I fully support and recognize many people want help in this area. And, for those people, this is a great handbook to help you rethink your habits.



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Fiction Andrea W Fiction Andrea W

The Last Mrs. Parrish by Liv Constantine

Star Rating: ★★

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If you're old enough to know Fatal Attraction and Single White Female, the first part of this book was definitely going that way. I was going to be annoyed if that's all this book turned out to be. The the script gets flipped and it gets interesting. But, then the ending fell flat (for me). It was just an okay book for me, personally.



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Nonfiction, Memoir Andrea W Nonfiction, Memoir Andrea W

The Wreckage of my Presence by Casey Wilson

Star Rating: ★★

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I did not know who Casey Wilson is but the title of the book was hilarious to me. I love a self-depracting personal memoir.

Turns out she is an actress and writer of some mildly funny things I have seen and this book is on par with my opinion of her work to date. While I was really hoping for a Chelsea Handler style account of short stories, The Wreckahe of My Presence came up short.

But, I will give her credit for having the whole first chapter being an ode to being a "bed person" and living life in the horizontal position. She makes a solid case.



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Nonfiction, Memoir Andrea W Nonfiction, Memoir Andrea W

Share Your Stuff. I'll Go First. by Laura Tremaine

Star Rating: ★★

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As someone who has Tabasco level stuff to share, I felt this poblano pepper story was not for me. I don't want to diminish anyone's pain because it truly is relative. But, I just couldn't relate to this book. The audiobook was fine in terms of narration but this is more of a workbook. So, I would suggest getting the physical book vs. audio or kindle.



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Self Improvement, Nonfiction Andrea W Self Improvement, Nonfiction Andrea W

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson

Star Rating: ★★

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I know this book is popular. And perhaps it is because many need to read it. But, if you are a straight-shooting realist, who understands that it is better to be appreciative of what you have vs. always chasing something else and you're the type of person who will call things like they see them (example: your friend's boyfriend is awful and you're the first to spot it and call it out), this book is simply an echo chamber for you.

If you are more soft-spoken, passive and need a very sharp tongue lashing about how the real world works...read this book.

The reviews say this book is data-rich and I disagree. I found many areas lacking of quality analytical analysis to prove one's point.


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