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Fostering the love of reading, here are several reviews from myself.

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Fiction Ashley Szopinski Fiction Ashley Szopinski

The Summer of Yes by Courtney Walsh

Star Rating: ★★★

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I may be showing my age with this review. I would love this book if I were 15-25 years old. But, at 43, the tale is too cutesy and predictable. And maybe that is comforting to some, like the way an early 2000's rom-com is. Everyone knows how it's going to end, but we all play along with the cat and mouse game. This story starts with a girl who has lost herself by putting everything she has into her career. And she suddenly gets a wakeup call and decides to try saying "yes" to life more and "no" to her career (via a vacation to try this out). And, it goes exactly where you thinking it's going as you progress in the narrative. For me, it was just okay. I finished it because I kept wanting a spin, a suprise. Maybe I'm too Georgina Tate in my stage of life :) I'm going to pass this on to my YA reader tween and see how she likes it as I'm sure she will have a fresher take than I.



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Memoir Ashley Szopinski Memoir Ashley Szopinski

The Woman in Me by Britney Spears

Star Rating: ★★★

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If you don’t absolutely follow TMZ, Perez Hilton and E!, there is alot of ‘new to you’ information in her stories. Otherwise this is a recount of her life with little new information. It was a nice trip down nostalgia lane (TLR, VMA red carpet, Diane Sawyer interview), but other than that there is nothing earth shattering in here. However, having Michelle Williams read this book and getting to hear her impression of Justin Timberlake was 100% worth the listen.



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The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks

Star Rating: ★★★

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This is a widely recommended book, which is how it found its way into my ears. I equate this book to a healthy dinner when you're craving pizza. You know what is right. You know you need the healthy dinner. But, you just want to ignore the hard work and give it to gluttony. That is this book for me. I deal with limiting beliefs a lot. So, this was a hard listen. I also will say that the audiobook should not be read by the author in this case. I would recommend actually reading the book and taking notes in it, but also consider this a workbook where you pick it up and work a little at a time on yourself. All at once and it is hard to digest.



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Nonfiction, Memoir Andrea W Nonfiction, Memoir Andrea W

I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jeanette McCurdy

Star Rating: ★★★

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I did not growing up watching iCarly, but the title drew me in immediately. I'm Glad My Mom Died is a fast listen narrated by the author, recounting her life as a childhood actor with a gutting family life. She really lets it all out in this book about her upbringing in an abusive household. She recounts multiple encounters of control and and physchological abuse her mother enacted upon her. And, while I commend her confessional in this book, I wish she would have explored more about how adult children can remove parents from their lives and be at peace to breathe a sigh of relief when these people die. It's a topic that is barely explored and yet she had the chance and didn't go all the way there.



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Nonfiction, Memoir Andrea W Nonfiction, Memoir Andrea W

Educated by Tara Westover

Star Rating: ★★★

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Educated -- while this story is worth telling, I had a hard time getting why everyone was so obsessed with this story. Tara Westover's story is one of many. I'm glad it is out there and I hope it gives hope to people in a similar situation by seeing that education is freedom. This is not new information though. Jefferson said "Education is a passport to the future" and Mandela said it is "A powerful weapon you can use to change the world". So, while this is an important reminder of the known fact, I thought the overall storytelling was just okay.



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How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

Star Rating: ★★★

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Despite this being THE book for adults, I had not read it. But, after hearing the author changed the spelling of his name to be associated with the Carnegie family, the author did not feel like someone I shoudl take advice from. However, I listened. It is outdated. It would be interesting to have it rewritten for the modern age (i.e. there is a part about how to leave a proper message with a secretary). Overall, the audiobook was fine and a quick read and a good reminder of the ABCs -- Always Be Complimentary



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Fiction Andrea W Fiction Andrea W

Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng

Star Rating: ★★★

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I tried the audiobook and the library book. I ended up liking the audiobook better. But, I made the mistake of reading this book after casting has been announced. Of course Elena is Reese Witherspoon. There is no other person for that role.

This book lacked, in my opinion. What was missing in Mia's character in the book was made up for on TV. Same with Pearl and Lexie. The story overall is a great deep dive into the many sides of being a woman in different phases of life. But, it was much better portrayed in the TV version than the book version.



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Fiction Andrea W Fiction Andrea W

The Gifted School by Bruce Holsinger

Star Rating: ★★★

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A city in Colorado on the Front Range is getting a publicly funded gifted school. All hell breaks loose from there. And it's mostly centered on the narrative of the Moms but does a decent job giving some of the Dad's narratives. But, it's obviously written by a male. It's hard to describe in examples, but you get glimpses of it here and there.

However, I will say that I flew through the last 120 pages. There is a great subplot that slowly builds.



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Nonfiction, Memoir Andrea W Nonfiction, Memoir Andrea W

When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi

Star Rating: ★★★

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Dr. Paul Kalanthi, an Indian-American Neurosurgeon, is diagnosed with stage IV metastatic lung cancer in his last year of residency. AS his entire life is finally about to begin, he is handed a death sentence and experiences life as a patient. He tells a vivid tale of the juxtaposition of the two roles from his experience.

This was a very quick read and I did enjoy it. But, I would have really liked more about Paul growing up. The book breezed through that part of his life but I feel there are some stories that rooted him as a person that would have added to the overall story.



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Fiction Andrea W Fiction Andrea W

Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine by Gail Honeyman

Star Rating: ★★★

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Here me out on this. This book needs a sequel. I feel this book was so slow to start and then, within the last 20 pages, all the things come together. And then the book just ends! It's a great story focusing on mental health. But, really, the more interesting part (to me) is what happens after you work to acknowledge your baggage. And this book stops before Eleanor can work through that. So, give us a sequel, please, and let us see Eleanor as she works through her healing! She is a witty character; I have no doubt the sarcasm in the trauma healing would be great reading.



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